Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump's Flag

(I sent this article to several newspapers. None of them would publish it.)

Trump’s Flag is American

By Gary J. Hudach

There’s an American flag in front of my blue collar house, proudly waving. I predict a Trump landslide. He could be living an easy life, but he’s not. He’s working hard. He’s running for president. He's doing it for us. 

He’s a blue collar billionaire.

I’ve been a blue collar worker all my life. I worked for 29 years at a locally owned plant. In 2000 it was sold to a Cleveland company and everything was fine, until 2015, when they announced our plant would be closing. The work would be going to China.

It didn’t make the national news. No one outside of Youngstown or Cleveland knew about it. It’s happening all over the country, a small plant here, a small plant there, most of the work going to Mexico or China.

It happened in Indianapolis, and it did make the national news, but only because a worker posted a video of the announcement.

Trump talked about it at his rallies. The company makes air conditioners. He said he wouldn’t be buying that brand anymore. He said if he were president and a company moved to China or Mexico, he would personally call them. He would inform them that when they bring their product back into the United States, they’re paying a 35 percent tax. Donald Trump is the only candidate proposing this policy.

People wait in line for hours to see him. He flies in on his jet like a super hero with the strength to make changes. His company is worth a fortune. He built a great company. His supporters believe he can make America great too.

They like the fact that he’s using his own money. He won’t owe anything to big donors or special interests. He won’t be obliged to give anyone paybacks or favors. He can give the voters what they want.

They want a better life. They want to drive on decent roads. They want to drive to a good paying job. They don’t want to live in fear of their job going to Mexico or China. They don’t want what they’ve been getting; a short end, a pink slip and a future uncertain.

The issue of American jobs is not the only issue that will guarantee a Trump victory.

Most people in America aren’t racist. They don’t hate people who are different. They would like to see everyone who is living in America flying the American flag, though. They would like it if every legal permanent resident became assimilated and became American. Trump said either we have a country or we don’t. Some people would like to have free and open borders. They would allow anyone to come here and live here without a process or paperwork.

The recent Trump protests in California made the national news. A police car, a symbol of law and order, was stomped on and the back window was smashed out. Those protesters apparently don’t believe in law and order. Others in the crowd were waving large Mexican flags. Some were wearing Mexican flags draped across their backs.

Two protesters were carrying a large sign that read “Your family is here illegally too”. But that isn’t true. Many Americans have a similar family history. Their ancestors came here legally from other countries, including Mexico. They assimilated and became Americans. They waved the American flag and not the flag of their home country. They knew what a country is. They respected borders and a flag and law and order.

Hillary Clinton is concerned about the plight of illegal immigrants. She said if the only law they broke is coming here illegally without a process or paperwork, they can’t be deported.

As I was watching the protests in California, I realized something. The images were powerful; people in America waving the Mexican flag, people in America attacking a police car. All of them were against Trump. And that’s why he’s going to win. Hillary might win California, but she won’t win the country.

All Trump supporters wave the American flag. They believe in law and order. They believe that Americans in America should come first. Their numbers are growing. It’s going to be a landslide.

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