I still
think Trump will win, but it doesn’t look like it at the moment. On August 2,
2016, President Obama said Trump was unfit to be the president.
Later in
the day, it was revealed that Obama sent $400 million in cash to Iran in
January. A secret plane landed just as four Iranian hostages were being
The White
House released some B/S that explained it. I don’t believe their story. It was
a ransom. It’s clear cut, beyond any doubt.
CNN is not
reporting it in any detail. They’re not devoting any time to it. On August 3,
2016, Anderson Cooper bashed Trump for 40 minutes and then aired the White
House’s lame explanation.
There is
another truth beyond any doubt. CNN doesn't really stand for the Cable News
Network. In reality, it is Crooked News Now.
Not only
are they doing everything in their power to get Hillary elected, they’re doing
everything in their power to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected.
I hope
everyone realizes how crooked CNN is. They have their own agenda and won’t
report the actual news.
They have CNN
International. That branch of their network reports different news that
American CNN. They clearly censor the news that Americans will view.
During the
Iraq War, I worked the midnight shift and was awake early in the morning. I
used to listen to BBC news at 5am, NPR at 6am and CNN at 7am. Tuning into CNN
was like entering a totally different world. They didn’t report anything that
the BBC or NPR reported.
The news
used to be trusted and reliable. It used to be a place where at least some
truth was broadcast. Maybe that’s how it was a long time ago, when America was
Now, we have
Crooked News Now. We have CNN. They love to bash Donald Trump 24/7. It’s their
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