Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hillary's Iraq

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in the Business Forum Promoting Commercial Opportunities in Iraq Q&A, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on June 3, 2011.

Transcript from the website:

U.S. Department of State official video, posted on youtube:

Hillary had some optimistic predictions for Iraq in June, 2011. Here are some of her statements:

Hillary: “We are entering a new phase in our relationship with Iraq, and we are very committed to making a major civilian commitment to Iraq’s future. We’ll be opening, as you know, and running consulates in Irbil and Basra, we’ll have civilian experts available to work with not only Iraqi counterparts, but also Americans and to support American businesses in the years to come, as we do in our diplomatic – especially our commercial diplomatic work all over the world.”

Hillary: “And so it’s time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity. And the sacrifice that the Iraqi people have made for your freedom is one that we highly respect.

Hillary: “According to the IMF, Iraq is projected to grow faster than China in the next two years. Now, let me repeat that, because when I read it I said, okay, are you sure because we always think of China as being the juggernaut? But no, indeed, Iraq is projected to grow faster than China.”

Hillary: “Now, nothing is set in stone. The decisions made by the government, made by businesses, could undo that prediction. And so in five years, we’d look back and say, well, why didn’t it happen? And it didn’t happen not because of divine intervention but because we all didn’t do the right things to make it happen. But Iraq has one of the largest customer bases in the entire Arab world. It has one of the world’s largest supplies of oil, and it has one of the best educated workforces in the region.”

Hillary, it didn’t happen. I am asking why. Most Americans would ask why, especially if they knew about the predictions and projections you made in 2011 when you were Secretary of State and Obama was president.

Here are the statements Hillary made about Iraqi women at that 2011 forum:

Hillary: “I also have to say a word about hiring women. I know that a lot of the best students in Iraqi universities happen to be women, and I hope that Iraq takes full advantage of half the population, ready to work, ready to roll up their sleeves to assist in the transformation of their country. And certainly my Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Melanne Verveer, is here to talk specifically about some of the ways we are ready to support the integration of women into the economy.

Hillary, the women in Iraq suffered horribly in the years since your remarks and they continue to suffer. On April 5, 2016, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report on the conditions of women in Iraq.

Here are some excerpts:

HRW: “The extremist armed group Islamic State should urgently release Yezidi women and girls they abducted in 2014.”

HRW: “The longer they are held by ISIS, the more horrific life becomes for Yezidi women, bought and sold, brutally raped, their children torn from them,” said Skye Wheeler, women’s rights emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Meanwhile, ISIS’s restrictions on Sunni women cut them off from normal life and services almost entirely.”

HRW: “All of the Sunni women and girls reported severe restrictions on their clothing and freedom of movement in ISIS-controlled areas. They said they were only allowed to leave their houses dressed in full face veil and accompanied by a close male relative. These rules, enforced by beating or fines on male family members or both, isolated women from family, friends, and public life."

Hillary, in 2011, you said Iraq would take advantage of half the population (the women). The people who took over large parts of Iraq raped and controlled the women and made their lives a living hell.

Hillary, in 2011, you said that Iraq was projected to grow faster than China.

You were wrong. Here is what happened:

January 4, 2014: ISIS took control of Fallujah.

January 14, 2014: ISIS took control of Raqqa.

June 10, 2014: ISIS took control of Mosul.

June 11, 2014: ISIS took control of Tikrit.

June 29, 2014: ISIS declared a caliphate to claim dominion over Muslims across the globe.

Hillary, you were wrong about Iraq. The State Department documented your predictions and projections. All of them were wrong, very wrong.

The news media should be reporting this, but don’t worry, Hillary. The news media won’t tell anyone.

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