Monday, August 8, 2016

$400 Million

Bill Clinton knows all about the $400 million that was given to Iran in January 2016.

The money wasn’t supposed to go back to Iran. It was supposed to be put back in the U.S. Treasury.

In 1999, former hostage Terry Anderson filed suit against the government of Iran seeking damages for his 2,454 days of captivity.

Anderson and his family received $41.2 million in compensatory damages, and former Lebanon hostages David P. Jacobsen, Joseph J. Cicippio and Frank H. Reed received $9 million, $30 million and $26 million respectively. The family of slain Marine Col. William R. Higgins got $55.4 million.
In 2000, when Bill Clinton was president, $213 million was distributed to eight families that won judgments against Iran in a series of U.S. court cases. In a precedent setting turn of events, the money came from the U.S. Treasury. It didn’t come from Iran. The U.S. government assumed responsibility for collecting on the claims from Iran.
The Clinton administration and Congress agreed to put up the money. They expected to get it back either through an international claims tribunal or negotiations with Iran.
In 2015 and 2016, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated with Iran. They didn’t get the money back. They converted the money to foreign currencies and gave the cash to Iran. In effect, Iran never did pay the money that their victims were awarded.
My source for this information is the Washington Post. On October 22, 2000, they published an article titled “Terrorism Victims Set Precedent”.
The money that was paid to Iran’s victims was supposed to come from the same $400 million in cash that was delivered to Iran in 2016. That is clear.
The Washington Post article from the year 2000 states: “The United States will pay nearly all the judgments against Iran from the U.S. Treasury, then will seek to recoup the funds from the frozen accounts through the Claims Tribunal or future negotiations with Iran. The law caps the total damages against Iran at about $400 million, the amount that is in an account kept by the Pentagon for more than 20 years, when the United States sold military planes and parts to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Even if Iran prevails at the tribunal, the United States will argue that it first must reimburse the U.S. Treasury for the cost of the court judgments, administration officials said.”
USA Today published an article on June 20, 2001 that mentions the $400 million as a possible source for other Iranian victim’s compensation.
As far as I know, no one is reporting this aspect of the $400 million. I have the news on all day and I haven’t heard anyone talking about it. This should be big news.
In February 2016,, a part of the USA Today network, published an article titled “Iran Terror Tab Wiped Clean Angering Victim’s Families”.
The article states “More than a dozen American families — including one from Teaneck and another from West Orange — that lost loved ones in Iran-sponsored terrorist attacks agreed to accept checks from the federal government 16 years ago to settle diplomatically sensitive lawsuits against Iran. But the families had one demand — and American officials agreed to it: Iran would eventually be forced to pay for this settlement as soon as the United States could tap a $400 million Iranian account that had been frozen years before. That promise appears to have been broken. Last month, without fanfare, U.S. officials returned that money to the Iranians, effectively saddling American taxpayers with a bill that Iran was supposed to pay.”
The article also states: “The families agreed to accept only a fraction of the multimillion dollar judgments they had been awarded in U.S. courts if Iran was ultimately forced to pay for them. As a bookkeeping measure, the families were told they had to take their settlement money in the form of checks from the U.S. Treasury. However, the families say they were assured that the United States would not return any frozen Iranian assets until the U.S. government had effectively reimbursed itself for the settlement. That never happened. Interviews with current and former State and Treasury department officials indicate that the Obama administration opted to sweep away any old liens that had been placed on Iranian assets as a way of improving relations with Tehran.”
Newsweek also published an article about the payments on January 22, 2016.
We were told by the Obama administration that the money given to Iran in January 2016 was Iran’s money.
We were lied to. They gave Iran U.S. taxpayer money. Obama also lied when he said he saved us money because they negotiated a lower interest rate on the money. If the agreement back in the year 2000 was for Iran to eventually pay the $400 million back to the United States, how could any interest money be owed?
Many people believe that the $400 million was ransom money. If it was, it was United States taxpayer money. It’s very clear that taxpayer money was given to Iran. It’s very clear that Obama lied.

The victim’s families are upset. Every American citizen would be upset, if they knew the truth.

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