Friday, August 5, 2016

Always Kerry Cash

It was January 2016. The hostages were ready to leave Iran. The plane was there and the pilot was there. But they had to wait. They had to wait for another plane.

In January, we were told that the hostages were released. We were also told about the money. We weren't told that it was cash and we weren't told that any of the money had been paid already.

Seven months later, the Wall Street Journal published the truth. The hostages couldn't leave until the money arrived. $400 million in cash finally arrived in the middle of the night and the hostages were set free.

On August 4, 2016, Hillary Clinton was asked to comment on the payment and said "Actually, it's old news."  

It wasn't old news. Hillary likes to spin the truth or not tell the truth. She's good at it. She lies convincingly and people believe her. They say "Oh, that's what happened."

Not everyone believes her. Trump supporters don't believe her. 

At least Secretary of State John Kerry told a little bit of truth. He admitted that money given to Iran might go to terrorists. He didn't tell us about the cash. He didn't tell us that the hostages had to wait for the cash to arrive. But he did tell us where money given to Iran might go.

Kerry said the money might go to the IRGC. The IRGC is Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. That is the group that filmed the pallets of cash arriving in the middle of the night before the hostages were released.

This was cash. This was untraceable cash that Iran could spend on anything they wanted to. There would be no bank transfer records. There would be no cancelled checks.

President Obama made this deal. He gave cash to Iran during this period of rampant worldwide terrorism. And then he personally said "Trump is unfit to be president."

Hillary and her surrogates are also saying that Trump is unfit to be president. I think it's time that someone said "Obama was unfit to deal with Iran."

When Kerry was asked if money given to Iran would end up in the hands of terrorists, Mr. "Always Kerry Cash" said "I'm sure at some point, some of it will." That was his actual quote.

Hillary has said Trump is dangerous. Those are just words. Obama, Hillary and Kerry have proven that they ARE dangerous. Trump supporters already knew that. 


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