Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hillary's Grand Dragon

The Civil Rights Act became law in June of 1964. The Act ended racial discrimination in all public places. Senator Barry Goldwater voted against it. He was one of only six Republican Senators to vote against it.

Goldwater ran for president in 1964. Hillary Clinton supported him. She was a "Goldwater Girl". She used to wear a banner that said "Goldwater Girl". 

Goldwater's opponent, Lyndon Johnson, put out an ad claiming that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) supported Goldwater.

I don't know if Hillary saw the ad, but her support for Goldwater was unwavering. Years later, In 1992, she spoke about her support for him.

On June 28, 2010, Hillary Clinton commented on the passing of Senator Robert Byrd. She described him as her mentor. She said “From my first day in the Senate, I sought out his guidance and he was always generous with his time and his wisdom..... As Secretary of State, I continued to rely on his advice and counsel.” The State Department posted a video of her comments on its youtube channel.

Hillary didn’t mention that Byrd was a former racist and Ku Klux Klan member. In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

Byrd later apologized for his past activities and was repentant. A 2005 Washington Post article detailed Byrd’s racist past.

Glenn Beck chronicled Robert Byrd’s life and mentioned his deplorable past. He said “Senator Byrd wasn't just a member of the KKK. He was a Klan leader holding titles of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops."  

Senator Byrd took part in a filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He gave a speech against the Civil Rights Act that lasted for over 14 hours.  

Even though Byrd repented, he made another controversial statement when he was 83 years old. He said “I think we talk about race too much. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time -- I'm going to use that word.”

Hillary wouldn’t mention even one of Byrd’s abhorrent racist statements or actions. She does like to criticize her presidential opponent, though. Donald Trump apparently didn’t disavow David Duke fast enough for Hillary and the media and they spent a lot of time criticizing him for it. Duke left the Klan in 1980, but he formed a white nationalist group. Trump did disavow him. He has never met Duke and has no relationship with him.

Hillary had a relationship with Byrd. There is a 2004 photograph of Senator Byrd kissing Hillary. Even though Byrd had repented by this time, I don’t think Hillary will be using the photo in any of her campaign ads.

Hillary did reference the Klan in one of her campaign ads, though. The ad portrays a negative image of Donald Trump because a Klan member supports him. There are false insinuations in the ad. It is despicable and misleading. Trump has no connection to the KKK.

Hillary released the ad in August of 2016. She didn’t mention in the ad that a Grand Dragon of the KKK endorsed her for president about six months earlier.

Grand Dragon Will Quigg of the KKK endorsed Hillary. The endorsement can be seen in a video from March 2016 documenting a protest that turned violent. One of Quigg’s fellow Klan members was arrested for stabbing a man.

Quigg was injured in the protest but he wasn’t arrested. He granted an interview at the scene and said he supports Hillary for president.

Quigg’s endorsement of Hillary was also documented in an April 2016 Washington Times article. He claimed to have anonymously raised $20,000 for Hillary’s campaign. He is quoted as saying: “For the KKK, Clinton is our choice.”

This is worth repeating. He said: “For the KKK, Clinton is our choice.”

Quigg’s reasons for supporting Hillary are shocking.

The Grand Dragon said: “All the stuff she’s saying now, she’s saying so she can get into office, OK. She doesn’t care about illegal immigrants — she’s acting like she does so she can get into office. Once she’s in office, then she’ll implement her policies. She’s a Democrat. The Klan has always been a Democratic organization.”

There is also a video of Quigg stating his reasons for supporting Hillary.

As far as I know, only Fox News mentioned the Quigg endorsement. The media didn’t spend hours talking about this. People don’t know about Hillary’s Grand Dragon. The Clinton campaign knew all about Quigg’s endorsement. They didn’t think it was relevant. As far as they’re concerned, an endorsement by the Klan is only relevant if it’s for Donald Trump.

The endorsement of Hillary by Will Quiqq would not be significant, except for one thing. Hillary is the candidate who brought the KKK into the campaign. She’s the one who put out the ad trying to falsely connect Trump to that organization. Now, people are becoming aware of Hillary's ties to one of the biggest racists who ever lived, Senator Robert Byrd. They are becoming aware of Will Quigg's endorsement. 

There was a protest in Florida on August 26, 2016. People were chanting "Hillary is racist". A black man held a sign that said "Hillary is the KKK".

I don’t know if all of Grand Dragon Quigg’s statements about Hillary are true. He did make one undisputed observation. Hillary is a democrat.

So was former KKK member Senator Robert Byrd.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hillary's Iraq

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in the Business Forum Promoting Commercial Opportunities in Iraq Q&A, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on June 3, 2011.

Transcript from the website:

U.S. Department of State official video, posted on youtube:

Hillary had some optimistic predictions for Iraq in June, 2011. Here are some of her statements:

Hillary: “We are entering a new phase in our relationship with Iraq, and we are very committed to making a major civilian commitment to Iraq’s future. We’ll be opening, as you know, and running consulates in Irbil and Basra, we’ll have civilian experts available to work with not only Iraqi counterparts, but also Americans and to support American businesses in the years to come, as we do in our diplomatic – especially our commercial diplomatic work all over the world.”

Hillary: “And so it’s time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity. And the sacrifice that the Iraqi people have made for your freedom is one that we highly respect.

Hillary: “According to the IMF, Iraq is projected to grow faster than China in the next two years. Now, let me repeat that, because when I read it I said, okay, are you sure because we always think of China as being the juggernaut? But no, indeed, Iraq is projected to grow faster than China.”

Hillary: “Now, nothing is set in stone. The decisions made by the government, made by businesses, could undo that prediction. And so in five years, we’d look back and say, well, why didn’t it happen? And it didn’t happen not because of divine intervention but because we all didn’t do the right things to make it happen. But Iraq has one of the largest customer bases in the entire Arab world. It has one of the world’s largest supplies of oil, and it has one of the best educated workforces in the region.”

Hillary, it didn’t happen. I am asking why. Most Americans would ask why, especially if they knew about the predictions and projections you made in 2011 when you were Secretary of State and Obama was president.

Here are the statements Hillary made about Iraqi women at that 2011 forum:

Hillary: “I also have to say a word about hiring women. I know that a lot of the best students in Iraqi universities happen to be women, and I hope that Iraq takes full advantage of half the population, ready to work, ready to roll up their sleeves to assist in the transformation of their country. And certainly my Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Melanne Verveer, is here to talk specifically about some of the ways we are ready to support the integration of women into the economy.

Hillary, the women in Iraq suffered horribly in the years since your remarks and they continue to suffer. On April 5, 2016, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report on the conditions of women in Iraq.

Here are some excerpts:

HRW: “The extremist armed group Islamic State should urgently release Yezidi women and girls they abducted in 2014.”

HRW: “The longer they are held by ISIS, the more horrific life becomes for Yezidi women, bought and sold, brutally raped, their children torn from them,” said Skye Wheeler, women’s rights emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Meanwhile, ISIS’s restrictions on Sunni women cut them off from normal life and services almost entirely.”

HRW: “All of the Sunni women and girls reported severe restrictions on their clothing and freedom of movement in ISIS-controlled areas. They said they were only allowed to leave their houses dressed in full face veil and accompanied by a close male relative. These rules, enforced by beating or fines on male family members or both, isolated women from family, friends, and public life."

Hillary, in 2011, you said Iraq would take advantage of half the population (the women). The people who took over large parts of Iraq raped and controlled the women and made their lives a living hell.

Hillary, in 2011, you said that Iraq was projected to grow faster than China.

You were wrong. Here is what happened:

January 4, 2014: ISIS took control of Fallujah.

January 14, 2014: ISIS took control of Raqqa.

June 10, 2014: ISIS took control of Mosul.

June 11, 2014: ISIS took control of Tikrit.

June 29, 2014: ISIS declared a caliphate to claim dominion over Muslims across the globe.

Hillary, you were wrong about Iraq. The State Department documented your predictions and projections. All of them were wrong, very wrong.

The news media should be reporting this, but don’t worry, Hillary. The news media won’t tell anyone.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pay to Play

Hillary Clinton grants big favors to big donors. This is dangerous and a threat to the security of the United States.

While Hillary was Secretary of State, Rajiv Fernando was appointed to the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB).
The State department’s website says that board members are national security experts with scientific, military, diplomatic, and political backgrounds.

Rajiv Fernando is not listed on the website as a former member, even though he was a former member.

The website documents a meeting that Rajiv Fernando participated in and proves that he was a former member. Here is the text of that page:

Meeting of the International Security Advisory Board
 Washington, DC
 July 12, 2011

Today, the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) met with Under Secretary Bill Burns, Under Secretary Ellen Tauscher, Special Advisor Robert Einhorn, Assistant Secretary Rose Gottemoeller, Assistant Secretary Andrew Shapiro and Acting Assistant Secretary Vann Van Diepen. The Board provides independent insight and advice on scientific, technical, and policy aspects of arms control, disarmament, proliferation, international security, and related aspects of public diplomacy. The ISAB provides its recommendations directly to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Department of State.

 The meeting marked the first gathering of ISAB members appointed by Secretary Clinton:

• Dr. Graham Allison, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government;
• Dr. Michael Anastasio, former Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Livermore National Laboratory;
• Dr. Bruce Blair, President of the World Security Institute and Co-founder of Global Zero;
• Hon. Douglas Bereuter, former Republican Congressman from Nebraska;
• Mr. Joseph Cirincione, President of Ploughshares Fund;
• Mr. Charles B. Curtis, Senior Advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Studies and President Emeritus of the Nuclear Threat Initiative;
• Hon. Robert Terry Everett, former Republican Congressman from Alabama;
• Mr. Rajiv “Raj” Fernando, CEO and founder of Chopper Trading;
• Ambassador Robert Gallucci, President of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation;
• Ambassador James Goodby, former career minister in the Senior Foreign Service;
• Dr. Robert E. Hunter, Director of the Center for Transatlantic Security Studies at the National Defense University;
• Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;
• Dr. Raymond Jeanloz, Senior Fellow in the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science and Professor of Earth and Planetary Science and Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley;
• Dr. David A. Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group and UN Chief Weapons Inspector;
• General Montgomery C. Meigs, USA (Ret.), President and CEO of Business Executives for National Security;
• Rep. Harold P. Naughton Jr., member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives;
• Dr. William Perry, the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor (emeritus) at Stanford University and former U.S. Secretary of Defense;
• Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, USAF (Ret.), President of The Scowcroft Group Inc. and former National Security Advisor to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush;
• Mr. Walter Slocombe, Senior Counsel in the law firm of Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy;
• Dr. James A. Tegnelia, President and Owner of DBE Consulting LLC and former Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency;
• Mr. William H. Tobey, Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government;
• Dr. Ellen D. Williams, Chief Scientist for BP p.l.c. and former Distinguished Professor in the Institute of Physical Science and Technology and the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland;

• Dr. Joan B. Woodard, Presiding Director, Member of Nominating & Governance Committee and Member of Compensation & Human Resources Committee for PNM Resources Inc. and former Executive Vice President and Deputy Laboratories Director for Nuclear Weapons at Sandia National Laboratories.

The ISAB is sponsored and overseen by the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Ellen Tauscher. Dr. William Perry will serve as Chairman and Charles B. Curtis will serve as Vice Chairman. Photos taken at the meeting can be found here.

The photo of the meeting clearly shows Rajiv Fernando seated at the far left.

As you look over the list of members, it is obvious that most of them have excellent resumes and were qualified to serve on the board.

Raj Fernando is listed as CEO and founder of Chopper Trading. No other qualifications are listed next to his name. He was and continues to be a big donor to Democrats.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, he has donated $650,000 to Democratic candidates and organizations since 2003. He donated over 100,000 to the Clinton Foundation before his appointment. He donated another $30,000 to a political advocacy group, Women Count, helping Hillary Clinton retire her lingering 2008 campaign debts. He was a pledged Clinton delegate at the 2008 Democratic convention.

Cheryl Mills added his name to the list of nominees that was submitted to Secretary Clinton. He was appointed by Ellen Tauscher, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs.

Cheryl Mills served as deputy White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton and defended him during his 1999 impeachment trial. She served as Senior Adviser and Counsel for Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and is considered a member of Hillary Clinton's group of core advisers. She served as Counselor and Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton during her whole tenure as United States Secretary of State.

After Fernando was appointed, ABC’s Matthew Mosk asked the State Department for more information about his qualifications. The entire story is documented on State Department emails.

On May 8, 2009, Rajiv Fernando sent an email to Huma Abedin. He wrote: “In a nutshell, I would like to get on the International Security Advisory Board. Everybody on that board is a top level defense expert, yet, I feel like I can add a lot to the group. I have two professors from Northwestern and one from Univ. of Chicago who are international security experts and are getting me up to speed on the academics behind the field.”

On September 11, 2009 he sent another email to Huma Abedin. He wrote: “Jay Dunn and Patrick have told me that they will have their list and Hillary will have hers and at the end of the day, as long as they don’t have an opposition to any of Hillary’s people, they should get in.” Further down in the email, he wrote “I know I will be able to hold my own and be a valued contributor to this board. I promise I will make the Secretary look good.”

Several other emails document communication between Fernando and State employees, most of them dealing with the progress being made in the nomination process.

On March 9, 2011, Rajiv Fernando accepted a position on the ISAB, offered by Under Secretary Tauscher. On July 1, 2011, he was granted interim clearance for access to classified information at the Top Secret level. On July 12, 2011, he attended his first meeting.

On August 15, 2011, Matthew Mosk from ABC News called Richard Hartman, executive director of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB). Mosk asked what led to Raj Fernando being appointed to the Secretary’s ISAB. Hartman referred Mosk to press aide Jamie Mannina.

This was a simple request, but it caused a panic within the State Department.  

On August 15, 2011, 9:48PM, Wade Boese, Under Secretary chief of staff, emailed Jamie Mannina. He wrote: “I will discuss with Chip tomorrow. The true answer is simply that S staff (Cheryl Mills) added him. The Boards’s membership preceded me. Raj was not on the list sent to S; he was added at their insistence.”

On August 16, 2011, Hartman emailed Rose Gottemoeller. He wrote: “Jamie is rightly concerned that we must protect the Secretary’s and Under Secretary’s name, as well as the integrity of the Board. I will be meeting with Wade Boese this morning to bring him up to speed. U/S Tauscher is meeting on a different topic later today with Cheryl Mills, who added Mr. Fernando’s name to the list of ISAB nominees when it went to S. and Secretary Clinton.”

On August 16, 2011, Matthew Mosk emailed Jamie Mannina, asking for background information on Rajiv Fernando. He wrote: “The only thing put out on him is that he is CEO of Chicago trading firm, which doesn’t exactly explain how he fits into a board of renowned experts on military, diplomatic, and political matters.”

The State department was scrambling, trying to figure out what to do about Matthew Mosk’s request.

On August 16, 2011, Wade Boese sent an email to Mannina and Hartman. He wrote “I’ve alerted Heather Samuelson, who said she will be working on getting some points. U/S Tauscher will also note issue with Cheryl Mills this afternoon.”

On August 16, 2011, Richard Hartman wrote in an email: “Cheryl Mills asked that Jamie (Mannina) stall for 24 hrs.” Hartman said Mosk asked for Harold Naughton’s qualifications too and he said Naughton’s case is pretty easy to defend.

On August 16, 2011, Mannina did stall. She emailed Mosk and wrote: “Crashing this morning. What’s the timing of your piece? Not knowing much on it when you called, but now after focusing on it a little - I will need time to work on it.”

On August 17, 2011 Mannina emailed Wade Boese. She wrote: ”Matthew (Mosk) called me after I was unresponsive to his morning emails.”

On August 17, 2011, the stalling and scrambling to explain Fernando’s appointment was no longer necessary. Fernando resigned from the ISAB. He sent a letter of resignation to Secretary Hillary Clinton, dated August 17, 2011.

At the 2012 Democratic Convention, ABC news tried to ask Raj Fernando a few questions. He refused to answer any questions and ABC was ordered by security to stop asking questions, leave the hotel or face arrest.

On September 4, 2012, Matthew Mosk emailed Katherine Starr at the State Department press office. He wrote: “Hello Kate, About a year ago, I spoke with someone at the State Department about Raj Fernando. I had inquired about his qualifications to serve on the International Security Advisory Board, and I had sought a copy of his resume. No resume was provided, and I was given no information about his qualifications. Shortly after my inquiry, he stepped down from the board. We have since been made aware that he made $30,000 donations to the political group Women Count that has helped Sec. Clinton retire her campaign debt, and a significant contribution to the Clinton Foundation prior to receiving his seat on the board. We also see that he has raised more than $500,000 for President Obama’s reelection and donated more than $500,000 to Democratic candidates and PACS.”

Mosk again asked for Fernando’s qualifications.

The State Department’s response was as follows:

“As President and CEO of Chopper Trading, Mr. Fernando brought a unique perspective to ISAB. He has years of experience in the private sector in implementing sophisticated risk management tools, information technology and international finance.”

One of Secretary Clinton’s own senior aides didn’t buy that explanation. On September 4, 2012, Phillippe Reines emailed senior advisor Heather Samualson, saying “Not the most compelling response I’ve ever seen since it’s such a dense topic the board revolves around. Couldn’t he have landed a spot on the President’s Physical Fitness Council?"  

For comparison, here is the resume the State Department provided to Matthew Mosk for Harold Naughton Jr.

“Rep. Naughton has been in the Mass. House of Representatives since 1995. He is Chairman of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and previously served on the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. He is a U.S. Army veteran of the Iraq War and continues to serve in the U.S. Army Reserves JAG Corps. His BA is in Political Science and JD includes study at Notre Dame Law School in England on the topics of international Human Rights, European Law and Soviet Law. He has been a commentator on Fox and Friends morning TV show regarding the Afghanistan War and has appeared on the TODAY show and other media in regard to national security and veterans issues.”

Here is what happened:

Rajiv Fernando donated money to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton. He helped Hillary erase her campaign debt.

He asked Huma Abedin for a position on the International Security Advisory Board.

He clearly wasn’t qualified, but Cheryl Mills added him to the list of possible appointees anyway. Either she did so with the approval of Secretary Clinton or it was common practice to grant donor’s wishes as directed by Secretary Clinton. There is no way that State Department officials would nominate and appoint an unqualified person on their own. They would jeopardize their careers if they did so. 

He was appointed to the board and received top security clearance. He attended one meeting.

He resigned after ABC news requested his resume and qualifications to serve on the board.

It is a fact that he was not qualified for the position because the State Department could not provide his qualifications. They did provide the qualifications for another board member, Harold Naughton, as requested by ABC news.

There are some who say Raj Fernando was indeed qualified. If that were true, it would have been very simple for the State Department to just send the resume to Matthew Mosk. They couldn’t do it. They didn’t have any proof that he was qualified. It became a problem. It became a headache. They had to scramble, trying to figure out what to do. And then, at the exact time they were scrambling, Fernando resigned.

Hillary Clinton grants big favors to big donors. This is dangerous and a threat to the security of the United States.

In August 2011, Secretary Clinton’s staff was trying to protect her name. They were trying to justify the appointment of a big money donor who was not qualified to serve on the Secretary’s International Security Advisory Board.

Here are the international events of August 2011:

Crackdown Continues in Syria (Aug. 1): For the second day in a row, the uprising against President Assad's government is met with bombing attacks by Syrian forces in the west-central city, Hama. (Aug. 3): Despite global condemnation, the Syrian government orders its military to march into Hama after three days of bombing. Tanks and soldiers seize the central square. Even Russia, a Syrian ally, gives its support to possible Security Council Action against Syria. (Aug. 4): Syrian military kill more than 100 people in 24 hours in Hama, bringing the civilian casualties to more than 200 since the bombing began. (Aug. 7): Still ignoring international condemnation, the military in Syria initiate another attack, this time in the eastern city of Deir al-Zour. Thousands of people flee and dozens are killed as tanks roar into the city. Hama and Deir al-Zour have been the setting for mass protests in recent weeks and have been the most defiant in the uprising. (Aug. 15):The Syrian government sends navy vessels along with tanks and soldiers to the port city of Latakia. At least 25 people are killed, including three children. The attack sparks renewed outrage, partly because they occur during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. (Aug. 18): Britain, France, and Germany release a joint statement stating that President Assad has lost legitimacy as a leader and that he must step down. For the first time, President Obama calls for Assad to leave office. Obama also announces new sanctions against Syria including freezing all Syrian assets. (Aug. 22): President Assad says American and European calls for him to step down are "meaningless" and suggests that the military in Syria will continue its crackdown. (Aug. 26): Inspired by the fall of Col. Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, thousands of protestors take to the streets in Syria, demanding that President Assad leave. Security forces continue to fight the protestors, including severely beating Ali Farzat, Syria's best-known political cartoonist. The attack on him comes just days after Farzat published a cartoon showing President Assad hitching a ride out of town with Qaddafi.

Mubarak Trial Begins (Aug. 3): Tens of millions watch live on television as an ailing Hosni Mubarak is rolled into the courtroom on a hospital bed for the beginning of his trial. Mubarak, the former Egyptian president, faces charges of corruption and complicity in the killing of protesters. Mubarak was ousted earlier this year after an 18-day revolution in Egypt.

American Forces Experience Deadliest Day in Afghan War (Aug. 6): Thirty U.S. armed servicemen, including 22 members of the Navy SEALs, are killed in Afghanistan when insurgents shoot down their Chinook helicopter. The casualties make the day the deadliest for U.S. forces in the decade-long war. Most of the 22 Navy SEALS killed are members of Seal Team Six, the unit responsible for finding and killing Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. (Aug. 11): The Pentagon releases the names of the servicemen that died on August 6 and reports that none of the men killed were involved in the Osama bin Laden mission back in May.

Rebel Forces Advance in Libya (Aug. 18): Rebels opposing Col. Muammar Qaddafi seize Zawiyah and gain control of the city's oil refinery. Zawiyah, a port city just 31 miles west of Tripoli, is a key victory. (Aug. 21): Rebel forces advance into Tripoli as foreigners try to flee the city. With the rebels meeting little resistance from loyalists, residents in Tripoli take to the streets to celebrate the end of Qaddafi's 42 years in power.(Aug. 23): Rebels seize Qaddafi's compound. Qaddafi and his family flee and remain at large. In a radio broadcast from an undisclosed location, Qaddafi vows to continue the fight. Rebels respond by placing a $2 million bounty on his head. (Aug. 24): More than 30 foreign journalists who had been held hostage in Tripoli's Rixos hotel by loyalists since the rebels invaded the city are freed, yet another sign that Qaddafi's rule is coming to an end. (Aug. 26): Rebels begin transferring their administration from Benghazi to Tripoli, Libya's capital. (Aug. 27): Five mass executions carried out by Qaddafi loyalists during his final hours in power are uncovered. (Aug. 29): Qaddafi's whereabouts remain unknown, but three of his children and his second wife flee to Algeria.

Monday, August 8, 2016

$400 Million

Bill Clinton knows all about the $400 million that was given to Iran in January 2016.

The money wasn’t supposed to go back to Iran. It was supposed to be put back in the U.S. Treasury.

In 1999, former hostage Terry Anderson filed suit against the government of Iran seeking damages for his 2,454 days of captivity.

Anderson and his family received $41.2 million in compensatory damages, and former Lebanon hostages David P. Jacobsen, Joseph J. Cicippio and Frank H. Reed received $9 million, $30 million and $26 million respectively. The family of slain Marine Col. William R. Higgins got $55.4 million.
In 2000, when Bill Clinton was president, $213 million was distributed to eight families that won judgments against Iran in a series of U.S. court cases. In a precedent setting turn of events, the money came from the U.S. Treasury. It didn’t come from Iran. The U.S. government assumed responsibility for collecting on the claims from Iran.
The Clinton administration and Congress agreed to put up the money. They expected to get it back either through an international claims tribunal or negotiations with Iran.
In 2015 and 2016, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated with Iran. They didn’t get the money back. They converted the money to foreign currencies and gave the cash to Iran. In effect, Iran never did pay the money that their victims were awarded.
My source for this information is the Washington Post. On October 22, 2000, they published an article titled “Terrorism Victims Set Precedent”.
The money that was paid to Iran’s victims was supposed to come from the same $400 million in cash that was delivered to Iran in 2016. That is clear.
The Washington Post article from the year 2000 states: “The United States will pay nearly all the judgments against Iran from the U.S. Treasury, then will seek to recoup the funds from the frozen accounts through the Claims Tribunal or future negotiations with Iran. The law caps the total damages against Iran at about $400 million, the amount that is in an account kept by the Pentagon for more than 20 years, when the United States sold military planes and parts to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Even if Iran prevails at the tribunal, the United States will argue that it first must reimburse the U.S. Treasury for the cost of the court judgments, administration officials said.”
USA Today published an article on June 20, 2001 that mentions the $400 million as a possible source for other Iranian victim’s compensation.
As far as I know, no one is reporting this aspect of the $400 million. I have the news on all day and I haven’t heard anyone talking about it. This should be big news.
In February 2016,, a part of the USA Today network, published an article titled “Iran Terror Tab Wiped Clean Angering Victim’s Families”.
The article states “More than a dozen American families — including one from Teaneck and another from West Orange — that lost loved ones in Iran-sponsored terrorist attacks agreed to accept checks from the federal government 16 years ago to settle diplomatically sensitive lawsuits against Iran. But the families had one demand — and American officials agreed to it: Iran would eventually be forced to pay for this settlement as soon as the United States could tap a $400 million Iranian account that had been frozen years before. That promise appears to have been broken. Last month, without fanfare, U.S. officials returned that money to the Iranians, effectively saddling American taxpayers with a bill that Iran was supposed to pay.”
The article also states: “The families agreed to accept only a fraction of the multimillion dollar judgments they had been awarded in U.S. courts if Iran was ultimately forced to pay for them. As a bookkeeping measure, the families were told they had to take their settlement money in the form of checks from the U.S. Treasury. However, the families say they were assured that the United States would not return any frozen Iranian assets until the U.S. government had effectively reimbursed itself for the settlement. That never happened. Interviews with current and former State and Treasury department officials indicate that the Obama administration opted to sweep away any old liens that had been placed on Iranian assets as a way of improving relations with Tehran.”
Newsweek also published an article about the payments on January 22, 2016.
We were told by the Obama administration that the money given to Iran in January 2016 was Iran’s money.
We were lied to. They gave Iran U.S. taxpayer money. Obama also lied when he said he saved us money because they negotiated a lower interest rate on the money. If the agreement back in the year 2000 was for Iran to eventually pay the $400 million back to the United States, how could any interest money be owed?
Many people believe that the $400 million was ransom money. If it was, it was United States taxpayer money. It’s very clear that taxpayer money was given to Iran. It’s very clear that Obama lied.

The victim’s families are upset. Every American citizen would be upset, if they knew the truth.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Always Kerry Cash

It was January 2016. The hostages were ready to leave Iran. The plane was there and the pilot was there. But they had to wait. They had to wait for another plane.

In January, we were told that the hostages were released. We were also told about the money. We weren't told that it was cash and we weren't told that any of the money had been paid already.

Seven months later, the Wall Street Journal published the truth. The hostages couldn't leave until the money arrived. $400 million in cash finally arrived in the middle of the night and the hostages were set free.

On August 4, 2016, Hillary Clinton was asked to comment on the payment and said "Actually, it's old news."  

It wasn't old news. Hillary likes to spin the truth or not tell the truth. She's good at it. She lies convincingly and people believe her. They say "Oh, that's what happened."

Not everyone believes her. Trump supporters don't believe her. 

At least Secretary of State John Kerry told a little bit of truth. He admitted that money given to Iran might go to terrorists. He didn't tell us about the cash. He didn't tell us that the hostages had to wait for the cash to arrive. But he did tell us where money given to Iran might go.

Kerry said the money might go to the IRGC. The IRGC is Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. That is the group that filmed the pallets of cash arriving in the middle of the night before the hostages were released.

This was cash. This was untraceable cash that Iran could spend on anything they wanted to. There would be no bank transfer records. There would be no cancelled checks.

President Obama made this deal. He gave cash to Iran during this period of rampant worldwide terrorism. And then he personally said "Trump is unfit to be president."

Hillary and her surrogates are also saying that Trump is unfit to be president. I think it's time that someone said "Obama was unfit to deal with Iran."

When Kerry was asked if money given to Iran would end up in the hands of terrorists, Mr. "Always Kerry Cash" said "I'm sure at some point, some of it will." That was his actual quote.

Hillary has said Trump is dangerous. Those are just words. Obama, Hillary and Kerry have proven that they ARE dangerous. Trump supporters already knew that.