Saturday, October 22, 2016


At a press conference on October 18, 2016, President Obama said that American elections are not rigged and he advised Donald Trump to stop “whining”.

He was responding to a question asked by a reporter: “I'd like to ask you about the election. Donald Trump is telling his supporters that the election is rigged, and asking them to monitor certain areas on Election Day. Are you worried the results of the election may be distrusted?”

Obama: I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It's unprecedented. It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology -- conservative or liberal -- who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found. ---- It doesn't really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you'd want out of a President. ---- But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections. ---- There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. ---- And so I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”  

Obama lied. Obama is a liar and here is the proof: At a campaign event in 2008, he was asked a similar question: “What can you say to reassure us that this election will not be rigged or stolen?”

Obama: “It helps in Ohio that we’ve got democrats in charge of the machines. I come from Chicago, so I want to be honest, it’s not just republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past, sometimes democrats have too. Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction.”

On Election Day in 2004, the exit polls clearly showed that John Kerry won and George W Bush lost. There was a big surprise when the votes were counted. Bush won the election. One state made the difference; Ohio. Kerry won the west coast and the entire northern part of the country, except for Ohio. Kerry suspected foul play in Ohio, but he didn’t contest it. He still believes he was robbed.

People who follow politics know John Kerry and they know that Trump is no John Kerry. Trump will fight back if there is any suspicion of election fraud.

For a long time, whenever Kerry closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, he would see voting machines, rigged voting machines. He could have been sleeping soundly in the White House and Bush could have started his painting career four years early. But, a few votes shifted here, a thousand votes shifted there, that’s how it goes.

The independent liberal news program, Democracy Now, interviewed author Harvey Wasserman in February 2016. He has been a featured speaker on Today, Nightline, National Public Radio and CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight. He explained in detail how the vote could be flipped on election night. He said that the 2004 election was stolen. Could the 2016 election be stolen? Yes, it most certainly could.

What’s concerning for Trump is that not only are democrats against him, but many republicans are against him too. A large number of prominent republicans have not endorsed him. Former republican president George HW Bush has said he will vote for Hillary. With the exception of maybe Fox News, the media has been out to get him since day one. The establishment is against him and people in power are against him. Like Obama said in 2008, whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction. Trump has every right to be concerned about a rigged election. The insult Obama threw at him about “whining” is unjustified.

Obama likes to use the phrase “C’mon man”. 

I’d like to say to Obama, “C’mon man, you know you’re a liar. You know damn well you’re a liar, Obama. You know this election can be rigged. I hope you didn’t tell that elaborate lie on October 18 because you KNOW it will be rigged.”

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