Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mexico First

After the FBI informed Congress that it was reopening Hillary’s email investigation, the Mexican peso fell in value. The Mexican economy will do better if Hillary wins and worse if Trump wins.

Trump will build a wall to secure our southern border from illegal entry.

He wants to stop American companies from firing American workers and relocating in Mexico.

Hillary favors open borders.

There would be no wall. It would be easier to enter the United States illegally. It would be easier to transport drugs across the border. No one would be deported for being here illegally.

More American jobs would move to Mexico. The Mexican economy would soar. Ford has already announced that all of its small car production will be moved to Mexico. This trend will continue if Hillary is elected. Trump wants to stop this trend.

If Mexicans were allowed to vote in our election, they would vote for Hillary.

The Mexican flag is flown at many anti-Trump rallies. Sometimes, the American flag is burned.

Hillary is openly pandering to legal and illegal Mexican immigrants. She said her granddaughter is learning Spanish, at age two. That’s interesting, but she won’t be able to read the original copy of the United States Constitution. It was written in English.

Hillary said her favorite food is Mexican. Many Americans like Mexican food. There’s nothing wrong with that, but Hillary may have been lying about it. There is no evidence that her favorite food is Mexican.

Trump has said he wants to put America first. His supporters wave the American flag. They think it’s a good idea to put America first.

Do Hillary supporters think it’s a good idea to put Mexico first? Just wondering.

One of the Podesta emails revealed that Hillary supporters should be unaware and compliant.

Does an unaware and compliant citizenry equal a Hillary victory? Yes, it appeared so, until Comey said he was reopening the investigation.

The investigation was reopened because of information found during the investigation of Anthony Weiner. He was sexting to a 15 year old girl. He’s the estranged husband of Hillary’s top aide, Huma Abedin. This certainly isn’t the kind of role modeling for children that Hillary is presumably advocating for. Where are the Hillary ads showing children watching THIS news?

Some are calling for Hillary to step down.

Hillary has been accused of being crooked. She was apparently hiding information on her private server. Her aides smashed at least two of her phones with a hammer.

She’s been accused of lying. Some of the lies have been proven. For example, she said she used one device for convenience, but in another interview, she listed all of the many devices she used. She even lied right after Comey made his latest announcement. She said the FBI letter was only sent to republicans. That’s false. The letter was sent to democrats too.

She later explained that she hadn’t read the second page of Comey’s letter. The second page listed all of the democrats who received the letter.

I don’t know if Hillary deliberately lied on this occasion, but I do know that her familiar theme is to blame republicans for all of her woes. She claims that republicans are out to get her.

Republicans didn’t set up her private server. They didn’t delete her emails with bleach bit or smash her phones with a hammer.

They did try to inform an unaware citizenry about what was going on.

Watch the Mexican peso on November 9. If you’ve voted for Hillary, I hope you’ve bought some pesos.

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