Saturday, October 1, 2016

Debate Dogs

Trump is too nice of a guy. He’s way too nice of a guy to debate someone as nasty as Hillary. He needs to change. He needs to get tougher or she’s going to walk all over him.

He didn’t lose any support because of his debate performance, but he could have done better.

The online polls all showed that he won the debate. But he didn’t really win.

He had to debate two people. Moderator Lester Holt was clearly on Hillary’s side. I noticed it while I was watching, before any published articles mentioned it.

It was obvious that Holt was out to get Trump. His intention was to make Trump look bad and Hillary look good.

I don’t know if he did it on his own or if NBC told him to do it. I hope NBC didn’t instruct him to favor Hillary or his 6:30 nightly NBC gig will be over. I hope that didn’t happen, but it could have. His bias was so flagrant.

Trump started good. He said he wants to stop our companies from leaving the U.S. and firing all of the American workers. That’s a message that resonates with most Americans.

Trump wanted to talk about the issues. Hillary wanted to bash Trump. She didn’t bark like a dog this time, but she acted like an attack dog. Her metaphorical teeth were bared and she was willing and ready to tear Mr. Trump apart.

She went on and on, insinuating horrible things about Trump. She came up with a phrase she thought was clever: “Trumped up trickle down”. She insinuated that Trump would have been nothing without his father’s money. She said she was glad her father never had to deal with Trump. That was one of many personal unfair insults she hurled at Trump.

She said that Trump believes climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. Trump tried to continue debating the issues. He mentioned that Ohio and Michigan are losing their jobs.

Hillary defended the current trade deals. She said that she would enforce the trade deals. As she said that, I wondered why Obama wasn’t enforcing the rules.

Hillary took a very short reprieve from bashing Trump and promoted her new book and her home page.

When Trump tried to counter punch Hillary, she berated him, saying “Join the debate and say more crazy things.”

Hillary was very prepared to attack Trump. He was not prepared for anything as vicious and nasty as Hillary.

Hillary continued the vicious insults. She said Trump was creating a Trump loophole that would benefit him and be a tax benefit for his family.

Lester Holt decided to go on the attack. He asked Trump about his tax returns. When Trump said he would release his returns when Hillary released her 33,000 emails, the crowd erupted in cheers. Holt admonished the crowd for cheering Trump.

Holt set the stage for more Hillary attacks. She insinuated that Trump was not as rich as he says he is, didn’t donate much money to charity and didn’t pay any income taxes. She said that the only returns ever released show that he didn’t pay any taxes. This is false. Lester Holt didn’t correct Hillary, but throughout the debate, if Trump ever said anything that was borderline true, Holt was all over him, like Hillary’s back-up dog.

Hillary was hammering Trump’s persona just like she smashed her cell phones with a hammer to destroy her emails.

Trump mentioned the country’s 20 trillion dollar debt. He correctly compared the condition of our infrastructure to a third world country.

Hillary continued her unrelenting attacks. She once said that she would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers, one of her husband’s many paramours. She was now hell bent on “crucifying” Mr. Trump.

She again falsely accused him of not paying taxes. She then accused him of not paying people who worked for him. She falsely accused him of having six bankruptcies. Holt didn’t fact check her on anything.

The next topic was race relations. Trump was making some excellent points. He was getting the better of Hillary in this exchange. Hillary raised some eyebrows when she said that everyone has an implicit bias, not just the police. She didn’t repeat her earlier accusation that half of Trump supporters are deplorable.

Lester Holt could feel the momentum going for Trump and decided to squash it. He brought up the birther issue and relentlessly questioned and drilled Mr. Trump on the topic. Holt and Hillary joined forces to bash Trump so badly he couldn’t recover. It was at this moment when I felt that Trump was beginning to lose the debate.

When the topic turned to the fight against ISIS, Trump was doing well. That’s when Holt jumped in again to help Hillary. He insisted that Trump had supported the war in Iraq. When Trump said he was against the war, Holt tersely said “The record shows otherwise”. Holt didn’t elaborate on what “record” he was referring to.

Hillary went on a long tirade about Trump and Iran. She continued bashing Trump and said “A man who could be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.”

Trump tried to respond to Hillary’s outrageous statement. Holt said “It’s time to move on.” He didn’t want Trump to respond. This really showed his flagrant bias.

A short time later, after more unrelenting long attacks by Hillary, Trump again tried to respond. Holt told Trump: “very quickly.” As soon as Trump began to respond, Holt interrupted him repeatedly.

I have never seen a debate moderator act so one sided and behave in such a biased manner. Holt never asked Hillary any questions about her emails or private server or favors given to donors who gave to the Clinton foundation. He never asked her about the lies she told during the email investigation. If questions about the birther issue were fair game, why wasn’t Benghazi?

Holt continued to attack Mr. Trump. He asked “What did you mean when you said that Hillary doesn’t have a presidential look?”

At the end of the debate, Hillary intended to finish off Mr. Trump. She pulled out her really big hammer. As you know, Trump became the owner of the Miss Universe pageants back in the 1990s in partnership with CBS. Hillary said “This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them.” She insinuated that he was hanging around the contests for some perverted reason. This is an outrageous and offensive insinuation. Then Hillary accused Trump of calling Alicia Machado “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping”. There are no witnesses to these allegations.

When Trump tried to respond, Holt said “ten seconds”. He was only giving Mr. Trump ten seconds to respond to outrageous allegations.

Trump said “I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family and I said I can’t do it. It’s inappropriate, it’s not nice. Hillary's ads are not true, not a nice thing she's done."

Holt interrupted him again, saying “It’s time to move on.”

Holt asked a final question and gave Hillary plenty of time to respond with no interruptions. When it was Trump’s turn to answer, Holt said “very quickly”.

I think if Holt really had his way, the debate would have been a ninety minute Hillary commercial and Trump wouldn’t have been allowed to say anything.

Hillary had the same nasty tone during the debate that she has had in her anti-Trump commercials.

Trump never did say what he should have said. He did say it several days after the debate, though. He said “Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics.”

I’ve done the research. This is a true statement. I would invite “Lester (I’m with her) Holt” to fact check it. Hillary was Bill’s enabler. She attacked the women her husband had sex with. She said she would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers. That’s a fact. It’s a fact that she called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic looney toon”.
I think Trump has finally had enough. I think he’s taken the gloves off. It reminds me of the song: “No more Mister nice guy.” We’ll see what happens.


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