Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mexico First

After the FBI informed Congress that it was reopening Hillary’s email investigation, the Mexican peso fell in value. The Mexican economy will do better if Hillary wins and worse if Trump wins.

Trump will build a wall to secure our southern border from illegal entry.

He wants to stop American companies from firing American workers and relocating in Mexico.

Hillary favors open borders.

There would be no wall. It would be easier to enter the United States illegally. It would be easier to transport drugs across the border. No one would be deported for being here illegally.

More American jobs would move to Mexico. The Mexican economy would soar. Ford has already announced that all of its small car production will be moved to Mexico. This trend will continue if Hillary is elected. Trump wants to stop this trend.

If Mexicans were allowed to vote in our election, they would vote for Hillary.

The Mexican flag is flown at many anti-Trump rallies. Sometimes, the American flag is burned.

Hillary is openly pandering to legal and illegal Mexican immigrants. She said her granddaughter is learning Spanish, at age two. That’s interesting, but she won’t be able to read the original copy of the United States Constitution. It was written in English.

Hillary said her favorite food is Mexican. Many Americans like Mexican food. There’s nothing wrong with that, but Hillary may have been lying about it. There is no evidence that her favorite food is Mexican.

Trump has said he wants to put America first. His supporters wave the American flag. They think it’s a good idea to put America first.

Do Hillary supporters think it’s a good idea to put Mexico first? Just wondering.

One of the Podesta emails revealed that Hillary supporters should be unaware and compliant.

Does an unaware and compliant citizenry equal a Hillary victory? Yes, it appeared so, until Comey said he was reopening the investigation.

The investigation was reopened because of information found during the investigation of Anthony Weiner. He was sexting to a 15 year old girl. He’s the estranged husband of Hillary’s top aide, Huma Abedin. This certainly isn’t the kind of role modeling for children that Hillary is presumably advocating for. Where are the Hillary ads showing children watching THIS news?

Some are calling for Hillary to step down.

Hillary has been accused of being crooked. She was apparently hiding information on her private server. Her aides smashed at least two of her phones with a hammer.

She’s been accused of lying. Some of the lies have been proven. For example, she said she used one device for convenience, but in another interview, she listed all of the many devices she used. She even lied right after Comey made his latest announcement. She said the FBI letter was only sent to republicans. That’s false. The letter was sent to democrats too.

She later explained that she hadn’t read the second page of Comey’s letter. The second page listed all of the democrats who received the letter.

I don’t know if Hillary deliberately lied on this occasion, but I do know that her familiar theme is to blame republicans for all of her woes. She claims that republicans are out to get her.

Republicans didn’t set up her private server. They didn’t delete her emails with bleach bit or smash her phones with a hammer.

They did try to inform an unaware citizenry about what was going on.

Watch the Mexican peso on November 9. If you’ve voted for Hillary, I hope you’ve bought some pesos.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Moore Reasons

I imagine that most Hillary supporters are living a good life. They’re happy and content. They’re satisfied with their jobs and their health care. They’re not in debt. They’re voting for the first woman president and they’re excited about it.

I remember that day at work like it was yesterday. I worked in a factory that makes hydraulic pumps. The pumps were designed in Youngstown, Ohio by Youngstown workers. No one from another country handed them the blueprints. Every component for the pumps had to be designed. They were designed in America.

After the pumps were created, they had to be tested and perfected. After countless hours of development, the pumps were ready to be mass produced. People were hired to make the pumps. Many people, born and raised in Youngstown, had good paying jobs with good benefits for many years.

But, getting back to that day I remember. It was after the production in our plant was in the process of being moved to China. I ran a Japanese Toyoda CNC grinder and an old American Landis angle slide grinder. I ground the gears that went into the pumps.

We were out of work. The grinders were out of parts to grind. I called my dispatcher and asked him what we were going to do. There were two baskets of parts that needed to be ground. We weren’t supposed to grind them because those parts were being made in China now. The dispatcher got on his phone. He had to check and see where the boat was.

The boat from China was somewhere out in the ocean yet, so he decided to let us grind the parts in those last two baskets.

It was eventually decided that all of our pumps would be made in China or elsewhere. The Youngstown plant would be shut down. As of this writing, the plant is in the process of being shut down. Many of the workers are already permanently laid off.

I heard Donald Trump talking about an air conditioner plant that was being moved out of the United States. When I heard him say he would put a 35% tax on those units when they come back into the country, I became interested in his campaign.

He talked about Oreos too and how a plant was being moved to Mexico. He said we should boycott Oreos and I did. I’m tempted by them every time I see them in the grocery store, but I don’t buy them. I don’t need Oreos anymore.

I never heard a candidate like Trump. He talks about putting Americans first. He talks about being the president of America, not the world. The gears I ground were worth $35. I would have put a $35 tax on each one coming from China. If the Chinese made them for a dime, it would have still cost more to make them in China. The pumps were worth about $400. I would have put a $400 tax on each pump coming from China. I disagree with Trump on the amount of the tax, but at least he has a plan to do something about American jobs being moved to China and Mexico. The current plan under Obama is for the American workers to retrain. People who are used to working with hardened steel with hardened hands can now train to become nurses.

When you vote for president, you don’t just get the president. You get all of the people the president will appoint. If Trump wins, you’ll get fresh people with different ideas. If Hillary wins, you’ll get that same bunch of elite liberals who have been running the country for eight years now. The names will change, but the ideas won’t change. You’ll get people like Huma, Cheryl, and Podesta. If you think the system might be corrupt, you’ll be getting that same corrupt system for another four years.

Michael Moore recently gave a speech about why people are voting for Trump. He's never been an advocate for Trump. The speech first appeared on the internet as an audio file. Many people thought it was fake. They couldn't believe Mr. Moore would say what he said. The video confirms that it's really him. Watch the video. It’s intense and riveting. Maybe enough people are unhappy with their jobs and their health care. Maybe they’re not satisfied with their situation. Maybe they think the system is corrupt. Maybe Trump WILL win.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


At a press conference on October 18, 2016, President Obama said that American elections are not rigged and he advised Donald Trump to stop “whining”.

He was responding to a question asked by a reporter: “I'd like to ask you about the election. Donald Trump is telling his supporters that the election is rigged, and asking them to monitor certain areas on Election Day. Are you worried the results of the election may be distrusted?”

Obama: I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It's unprecedented. It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology -- conservative or liberal -- who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found. ---- It doesn't really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you'd want out of a President. ---- But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections. ---- There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. ---- And so I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”  

Obama lied. Obama is a liar and here is the proof: At a campaign event in 2008, he was asked a similar question: “What can you say to reassure us that this election will not be rigged or stolen?”

Obama: “It helps in Ohio that we’ve got democrats in charge of the machines. I come from Chicago, so I want to be honest, it’s not just republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past, sometimes democrats have too. Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction.”

On Election Day in 2004, the exit polls clearly showed that John Kerry won and George W Bush lost. There was a big surprise when the votes were counted. Bush won the election. One state made the difference; Ohio. Kerry won the west coast and the entire northern part of the country, except for Ohio. Kerry suspected foul play in Ohio, but he didn’t contest it. He still believes he was robbed.

People who follow politics know John Kerry and they know that Trump is no John Kerry. Trump will fight back if there is any suspicion of election fraud.

For a long time, whenever Kerry closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, he would see voting machines, rigged voting machines. He could have been sleeping soundly in the White House and Bush could have started his painting career four years early. But, a few votes shifted here, a thousand votes shifted there, that’s how it goes.

The independent liberal news program, Democracy Now, interviewed author Harvey Wasserman in February 2016. He has been a featured speaker on Today, Nightline, National Public Radio and CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight. He explained in detail how the vote could be flipped on election night. He said that the 2004 election was stolen. Could the 2016 election be stolen? Yes, it most certainly could.

What’s concerning for Trump is that not only are democrats against him, but many republicans are against him too. A large number of prominent republicans have not endorsed him. Former republican president George HW Bush has said he will vote for Hillary. With the exception of maybe Fox News, the media has been out to get him since day one. The establishment is against him and people in power are against him. Like Obama said in 2008, whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction. Trump has every right to be concerned about a rigged election. The insult Obama threw at him about “whining” is unjustified.

Obama likes to use the phrase “C’mon man”. 

I’d like to say to Obama, “C’mon man, you know you’re a liar. You know damn well you’re a liar, Obama. You know this election can be rigged. I hope you didn’t tell that elaborate lie on October 18 because you KNOW it will be rigged.”

Monday, October 17, 2016

Why Trump?

I could say that Hillary groped me. She did it several years ago at a party. I was sitting next to her on a couch and suddenly she put her hand down the front of my pants. 

She grabbed my private part. It starts with a P. You know what she grabbed. I never told anyone what happened, but now, right before the election, I want the world to know. Hillary has said she wants open borders. She wanted my pants open too.

I was shocked and felt very uncomfortable. Her husband was sitting next to her and I could tell he didn’t approve, but he didn’t say anything.

I could say that happened. I could go to the newspapers. I could go to CNN and MSNBC and Fox News. The newspapers wouldn’t publish my accusation. The news networks wouldn’t send a crew to interview me.

My claim is ridiculous and I have no witnesses. It may have been different if Trump was involved in the groping. The news media may have been all over the story.

That’s exactly what has been happening. Women are coming forward with ridiculous claims and the media is repeating those claims.

There’s the woman on the plane. I don’t think first class seats on that plane even had armrests that lifted up. Did anyone in the media check? She said that Trump lifted the armrest and starting feeling her up. She didn’t mind the groping above the waist, but when he started going below the waist, she got upset.

A witness came forward. He was sitting across from them on that plane. He said the incident didn’t happen. In fact, the woman was coming on to Trump and he wasn’t interested.

Yes, Trump bragged about being a macho lady chaser with Billy Bush and shock jock Howard Stern. He’s guilty of that, and he’s apologized for it.

Trump doesn’t like to brag about the good things he’s done. Many people don’t know his good side. The media certainly won’t mention it.

I’d like everyone to watch a video about Trump’s good side. It might bring tears to a few eyes. It might even change a few votes. The media would never play a video like this.

People who support Trump are patriotic. They don’t wave the flags of other countries. They wave the American flag. Some of Hillary’s supporters don’t understand this. They don’t understand the concept of a famous patriotic American coming forward, running for president and putting the interests of Americans first.

Watch this video. It might bring tears to a few eyes.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mindy Who?

Mindy McGillivray said that Trump “grabbed her ass”. She said it happened on January 24, 2003 at Mar-a-Lago during a Ray Charles concert.

The Palm Beach Post published the story on October 12, 2016.

I don’t believe Mindy’s story.

I tried to find any written reference to a Ray Charles concert at Mar-a-Lago in January 2003. I couldn’t find any. Mr. Charles did a concert in Anaheim, California on January 17 of that year. That’s the only January 2003 concert documented on

If Ray Charles did a concert at Mar-a-Lago and Mr. Trump was there, it should be easy to find a photo of the two of them. I couldn’t find one.

I did find a photo of Trump, Melania and Ray Charles dated January 1, 2003. That’s three weeks before the alleged “grab” incident. That was New Year’s Day. If Mindy got the date wrong, how could she forget being there on New Year’s Day? And there’s no record of a Ray Charles concert on that date, or any date at Mar-a-Lago.

I don’t believe Mindy’s story. Apparently, the Palm Beach Post believed it without bothering to fact check it.

The evidence suggests that Mindy’s accusation is false, but published the accusation too. published another Trump accusation on October 12, 2016. This one was from a woman who worked for People magazine.

Natasha Stoynoff was on assignment in December 2005, and went to Mar-a-Lago to interview Trump.

She claims that Trump pinned her down while Melania was in the next room and he put his tongue down her throat against her will. described it as a harrowing experience.

After being distressed by that alleged unwanted “kiss”, Natasha returned to Mar-a-Lago the very next day for a massage. She said she kept looking at the door knob, hoping it wouldn’t turn, hoping that Trump wouldn’t walk in.

The story is very dramatic, but it sounds like fiction. It sounds exactly like fiction. I don’t believe it.

I hope Trump sues all of these “news” organizations. I hope he wins big, just like America will win big when he wins the election.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables”. She said Trump supporters are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, - you name it.”

Hillary and her husband have always worked together as a team. When Hillary didn’t include rednecks in the basket, Bill took care of it.

Bill Clinton called Trump supporters “standard rednecks”.

I looked up the definition of “redneck” at The word redneck is used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class.

The urban dictionary goes into more detail. It explains how to tell if you’re a redneck.

You would be a redneck if:

You have flowers planted in a bathroom appliance in your front yard.

You mow your lawn and find a car.

You think mud rasslin' should be an Olympic sport.

The biggest fashion risk you take is which plaid you'll wear to the 4-H Fair.

Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night involves putting on shoes and a jacket and grabbing a flashlight.

Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.

There are more than ten lawsuits currently pending against your dog.

The receptionist checks the rat traps at your place of business.

You keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.

The urban dictionary says all of these things are true. I don’t know if Bill Clinton reads the urban dictionary, but I believe he was trying to degrade Trump supporters, just like his wife did.

Trump supporters are not accurately described by the Clintons. They are patriotic, hard-working citizens who are concerned about the future of America.

Bill Clinton is a sex addict. That’s not an opinion. That’s not an insult. It’s the truth.

Here’s how you know if you’re a sex addict:

A woman has accused you of groping her and she appears in a press conference before your wife’s presidential debate.

A woman has accused you of raping her and she appears in a press conference before your wife’s presidential debate.

You’ve paid a woman $850,000 in a settlement over sexual misconduct and she appears in a press conference before your wife’s presidential debate.

You’ve been impeached for lying about sex between you and a white house intern young enough to be your daughter.

That white house intern suspected you were having sex with a former vice-president’s daughter.

Good Lord! And yes, there are a lot more accusations from many different women.

Hillary was never appalled enough by Bill’s disgusting behavior to leave him. She was very appalled when Trump called Miss America “fat”. It’s a good thing Bill never called Monica Lewinsky “fat”. Hillary would have never put up with “that”.

There was another woman at that press conference. She wasn’t one of Bill’s victims. She was Hillary’s victim. She was raped at the age of twelve and Hillary defended her rapist. She got him off. I don’t fault Hillary for defending him. Everyone is entitled to an attorney. I do think Hillary’s cavalier attitude about the case is appalling. In an interview, she laughed about the case. She also made improper accusations about the twelve year old victim in order to get her client off. That was just wrong.

Hillary hasn’t changed over the years. She’s now making accusations against Trump in order to get herself elected. She’s not only smearing Trump, she’s insulting and smearing his supporters too. She still has that laugh, that horrible inappropriate laugh.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are disgusting and dishonest. That’s not an opinion. That’s not an insult. It’s the truth.

As of this writing, Hillary is ahead in the polls. She is what the majority of Americans want. I won’t insult her supporters, though. Maybe they’re uninformed. Maybe they’re influenced by a corrupt and biased news media. Maybe Bill and Hillary haven’t insulted them –- yet.     


Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump's Lewd Tape

I saw the headline on the Drudge Report. “Hot Mic: Trump on the prowl.” I watched the video. I turned on Fox. They were playing the video. CNN and MSNBC were playing the video.

This was supposed to be a bad night for Hillary. More emails were released. It was revealed that she admitted favoring open borders. Trump would have been all over her on this issue.

Not now. The media was out to get Trump right from the beginning. Now they have a tape to play 24/7.

I know it won’t matter to most of Trump’s supporters. It’s just guy talk. It’s lewd but innocent banter.

Trump had no intention of running for president back in 2005. He wasn’t watching every word he said. He wasn’t being careful about what political opponents could use against him.

I think the video was released at this time on purpose. The emails that were just released would have been very damaging to Hillary. This Trump video offsets any damage in a big way.

It offsets it because the media will grab onto it in a big way. They will talk endlessly about what Trump said he wanted to grab.

As of this evening, they are already creating more serious allegations out of the “guy” banter. They are incorrectly saying that Trump advocated sexual violence against women. A CNN pundit just falsely accused Trump of being deranged and committing a crime.

It’s ironic that Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton, has been accused of engaging in deranged and criminal sexual behavior. He's been accused by women who say they were his victims.The media is silent about it.

Trump joked about kissing a woman. Bill Clinton is accused of raping a woman. He’s accused of engaging in lewd actions, not just saying words. He’s accused of forcing himself sexually on a woman. The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, has a page titled: “Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Allegations”.

There are a lot of allegations. It was proven that Bill Clinton had sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. He was old enough to be her father at the time. He was impeached for lying about it. Hillary supporters are apparently fine with that. The media is fine with it. Hillary wasn’t appalled enough to divorce him over it, but she thinks it’s appalling that Trump called a woman fat.

I’ve been an enthusiastic Trump supporter and proudly titled my blog “Trump Will Win”. But now, I don’t think Trump can successfully fight the media any longer.

If Trump is unwilling to expose every lewd and horrible thing that Bill Clinton ever did and explain how Hillary enabled him, I think he should drop out.

I’ll change my blog title to “Pence Will Win”. 


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Debate Dogs

Trump is too nice of a guy. He’s way too nice of a guy to debate someone as nasty as Hillary. He needs to change. He needs to get tougher or she’s going to walk all over him.

He didn’t lose any support because of his debate performance, but he could have done better.

The online polls all showed that he won the debate. But he didn’t really win.

He had to debate two people. Moderator Lester Holt was clearly on Hillary’s side. I noticed it while I was watching, before any published articles mentioned it.

It was obvious that Holt was out to get Trump. His intention was to make Trump look bad and Hillary look good.

I don’t know if he did it on his own or if NBC told him to do it. I hope NBC didn’t instruct him to favor Hillary or his 6:30 nightly NBC gig will be over. I hope that didn’t happen, but it could have. His bias was so flagrant.

Trump started good. He said he wants to stop our companies from leaving the U.S. and firing all of the American workers. That’s a message that resonates with most Americans.

Trump wanted to talk about the issues. Hillary wanted to bash Trump. She didn’t bark like a dog this time, but she acted like an attack dog. Her metaphorical teeth were bared and she was willing and ready to tear Mr. Trump apart.

She went on and on, insinuating horrible things about Trump. She came up with a phrase she thought was clever: “Trumped up trickle down”. She insinuated that Trump would have been nothing without his father’s money. She said she was glad her father never had to deal with Trump. That was one of many personal unfair insults she hurled at Trump.

She said that Trump believes climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. Trump tried to continue debating the issues. He mentioned that Ohio and Michigan are losing their jobs.

Hillary defended the current trade deals. She said that she would enforce the trade deals. As she said that, I wondered why Obama wasn’t enforcing the rules.

Hillary took a very short reprieve from bashing Trump and promoted her new book and her home page.

When Trump tried to counter punch Hillary, she berated him, saying “Join the debate and say more crazy things.”

Hillary was very prepared to attack Trump. He was not prepared for anything as vicious and nasty as Hillary.

Hillary continued the vicious insults. She said Trump was creating a Trump loophole that would benefit him and be a tax benefit for his family.

Lester Holt decided to go on the attack. He asked Trump about his tax returns. When Trump said he would release his returns when Hillary released her 33,000 emails, the crowd erupted in cheers. Holt admonished the crowd for cheering Trump.

Holt set the stage for more Hillary attacks. She insinuated that Trump was not as rich as he says he is, didn’t donate much money to charity and didn’t pay any income taxes. She said that the only returns ever released show that he didn’t pay any taxes. This is false. Lester Holt didn’t correct Hillary, but throughout the debate, if Trump ever said anything that was borderline true, Holt was all over him, like Hillary’s back-up dog.

Hillary was hammering Trump’s persona just like she smashed her cell phones with a hammer to destroy her emails.

Trump mentioned the country’s 20 trillion dollar debt. He correctly compared the condition of our infrastructure to a third world country.

Hillary continued her unrelenting attacks. She once said that she would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers, one of her husband’s many paramours. She was now hell bent on “crucifying” Mr. Trump.

She again falsely accused him of not paying taxes. She then accused him of not paying people who worked for him. She falsely accused him of having six bankruptcies. Holt didn’t fact check her on anything.

The next topic was race relations. Trump was making some excellent points. He was getting the better of Hillary in this exchange. Hillary raised some eyebrows when she said that everyone has an implicit bias, not just the police. She didn’t repeat her earlier accusation that half of Trump supporters are deplorable.

Lester Holt could feel the momentum going for Trump and decided to squash it. He brought up the birther issue and relentlessly questioned and drilled Mr. Trump on the topic. Holt and Hillary joined forces to bash Trump so badly he couldn’t recover. It was at this moment when I felt that Trump was beginning to lose the debate.

When the topic turned to the fight against ISIS, Trump was doing well. That’s when Holt jumped in again to help Hillary. He insisted that Trump had supported the war in Iraq. When Trump said he was against the war, Holt tersely said “The record shows otherwise”. Holt didn’t elaborate on what “record” he was referring to.

Hillary went on a long tirade about Trump and Iran. She continued bashing Trump and said “A man who could be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.”

Trump tried to respond to Hillary’s outrageous statement. Holt said “It’s time to move on.” He didn’t want Trump to respond. This really showed his flagrant bias.

A short time later, after more unrelenting long attacks by Hillary, Trump again tried to respond. Holt told Trump: “very quickly.” As soon as Trump began to respond, Holt interrupted him repeatedly.

I have never seen a debate moderator act so one sided and behave in such a biased manner. Holt never asked Hillary any questions about her emails or private server or favors given to donors who gave to the Clinton foundation. He never asked her about the lies she told during the email investigation. If questions about the birther issue were fair game, why wasn’t Benghazi?

Holt continued to attack Mr. Trump. He asked “What did you mean when you said that Hillary doesn’t have a presidential look?”

At the end of the debate, Hillary intended to finish off Mr. Trump. She pulled out her really big hammer. As you know, Trump became the owner of the Miss Universe pageants back in the 1990s in partnership with CBS. Hillary said “This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. He loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them.” She insinuated that he was hanging around the contests for some perverted reason. This is an outrageous and offensive insinuation. Then Hillary accused Trump of calling Alicia Machado “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping”. There are no witnesses to these allegations.

When Trump tried to respond, Holt said “ten seconds”. He was only giving Mr. Trump ten seconds to respond to outrageous allegations.

Trump said “I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family and I said I can’t do it. It’s inappropriate, it’s not nice. Hillary's ads are not true, not a nice thing she's done."

Holt interrupted him again, saying “It’s time to move on.”

Holt asked a final question and gave Hillary plenty of time to respond with no interruptions. When it was Trump’s turn to answer, Holt said “very quickly”.

I think if Holt really had his way, the debate would have been a ninety minute Hillary commercial and Trump wouldn’t have been allowed to say anything.

Hillary had the same nasty tone during the debate that she has had in her anti-Trump commercials.

Trump never did say what he should have said. He did say it several days after the debate, though. He said “Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics.”

I’ve done the research. This is a true statement. I would invite “Lester (I’m with her) Holt” to fact check it. Hillary was Bill’s enabler. She attacked the women her husband had sex with. She said she would “crucify” Gennifer Flowers. That’s a fact. It’s a fact that she called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic looney toon”.
I think Trump has finally had enough. I think he’s taken the gloves off. It reminds me of the song: “No more Mister nice guy.” We’ll see what happens.