Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Has Won

Trump has won! I’m changing the title of my blog from “Trump Will Win” to “Trump Has Won”.

He won the South. He won the North. He won the heart of the country and brought it together. Hillary won the West coast and New York but it wasn’t enough.

The polls were wrong in Michigan. Four out of five November polls had Hillary winning by 4 or 5 points. The polls in Wisconsin were wrong. Four out of four polls had her winning by 6 or 8 points.

Wisconsin was the big surprise. I don’t think anyone expected a Trump victory there. Everyone expected the Philadelphia vote to give Hillary a victory in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t enough and Trump won the state.

Hillary had a very easy path to victory. All she had to do was hold the traditionally democratic blue states in the North and win Virginia and Nevada. She didn’t need North Carolina, Ohio or Florida.

She couldn’t hold all of the blue states. She lost the South and the North. She lost the heart of the country.

I wrote several blog posts explaining why Trump would win. And he did.

I voted in Boardman, Ohio. They have a great system there now. They swipe your driver’s license and give you a paper ballot. It’s the perfect combination of technology and an old fashioned paper ballot that you hold in your hand.

I was a lifelong democrat. This election, I voted straight Republican. I received a list of democrats in the mail and took that list into the voting booth. I voted against every one of them. The down ballot republicans got my vote, riding on Trump's coat tails. I'm sure many other people did the same thing. 

If our elections were decided by the popular vote, Hillary would have won. She won the popular vote because of an enormous win in California. Our system of an electoral college is fair. One state will never decide the election. Every state has its own concerns and own voice.

President Obama has said more than once that Trump is unqualified and unfit to be president. He started saying it in August and said it again right before the election.

Obama strongly supported Hillary and appeared at campaign events with her. He was with her, but the voters weren’t. They disagreed with Obama’s critique of Trump. They disagreed with Hillary’s vision for the country. They didn’t want a third term of Obama.

It would be great if Trump could take over immediately, but we’ll have to wait until January 20, 2017.

America will be great again. It will happen. It will happen soon.

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