Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mexicans Voted

Democrats are saying that Hillary won the popular vote. Almost every prominent Democrat has been saying it, over and over again.

Senator Harry Reid issued a press release on November 15, 2016 that included the statement: “The man who lost the popular vote by two million votes is now the president-elect. Let me repeat that: the man who lost the popular vote by two million votes or more is now the president-elect.”

Reid made this statement before all of the votes in California were counted. Hillary was ahead by over 1 million votes on November 15.  On November 25, she was ahead by over 2 million votes. Harry Reid apparently knew the vote total ten days before all of the votes were counted. 

Hillary won decisively in California by over 3 million votes. If you take away the California vote and only count the other 49 states, Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes.

When the Democrats say that Hillary won the popular vote, they don’t mention that California was the reason. It’s why we have the Electoral College. If one state favors one candidate by an overwhelming margin, the rest of the country will still have a say in the outcome.

On November 27, President Elect Trump tweeted: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

There is evidence that Mexican citizens illegally living in the United States voted in our election, mostly in California, Colorado and Nevada.

I don’t have the resources to prove it beyond a doubt, but there is evidence that it happened.

An article published on April 14, 2016 predicted that illegal immigrants would vote and possibly sway the election.

California passed a law that allowed illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license and voter registration was automatic unless they opted out of it.

I don’t know how many illegal immigrants voted for Hillary, but I think there were enough to give her the edge in the popular vote.

I used to be a life-long democrat, but I switched to republican in 2016. I realized that the most important issue for Democrats was protecting illegal immigrants. They have even established sanctuary cities where illegal immigrants are protected from deportation. The plight of American citizens who are suffering from job losses was not a concern for Democrats.

The Democrats have a good reason for protecting illegal immigrants. It’s how they could win elections and stay in power.

Hillary had a plan A for winning. She would hold the Northern blue states that Obama won and win either North Carolina or Florida.

Plan B was to hold the Obama blue states and win Colorado and Nevada. She wouldn’t need North Carolina and Florida. She wouldn’t even need New Hampshire. The plan appeared to be foolproof. Hillary’s plan B was to win with the help of illegal immigrants.

President Obama encouraged illegal immigrants to vote. He made it clear that no one would know. He said their vote would be anonymous. He assured them that no one could get deported for voting illegally.

Here are the states where illegals can get a driver’s license:

District of Columbia
New Mexico

Hillary won all of these states except for Utah, and before the election, Democrats were even predicting a win in Republican Utah.

Here are the states with strict voter ID laws.

North Dakota

Hillary only won one of these states, Virginia, and it was much closer than the polls predicted.

Plan B was foolproof: Hillary would win when the votes in Nevada were counted. Harry Reid bragged about getting the Hispanic vote out in Nevada. An article published right before the election showed how Reid killed Trump’s chances in Nevada.

Some of the Nevada votes were to come from illegal immigrants. That’s why the plan was supposed to be foolproof.

In an article published on November 4, 2016, senior editorial writer Glenn Cook stated: “Voter registration fraud is not a groundless conspiracy. It is not a hypothetical threat to election integrity. In Nevada, a battleground state that could decide the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate, it is real. Last week, I met with two immigrant noncitizens who are not eligible to vote, but who nonetheless are active registered voters for Tuesday's election. They said they were signed up by Culinary Local 226. They speak and understand enough English to get by. But they don't read English especially well. They say the Culinary official who registered them to vote didn't tell them what they were signing and didn't ask whether they were citizens. The immigrants said they trusted that the union official's request was routine, thought nothing of it and went about their work. Then the election drew closer. Then the Culinary canvassers started seeking them out and ordering them to go vote.”

Colorado would go to Hillary too with the help of illegal immigrants. On October 5, 2016, Michelle Malkin published an article about illegal foreign voters stealing the election. She wrote: “it could very well be foreign noncitizens voting illegally in the Rocky Mountains -- and in other crucial swing states -- who seal our country's fate. Former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler identified nearly 5,000 noncitizens in Colorado who voted in the 2010 general election.”

Mexican citizens were supposed to decide this election but American citizens threw a monkey wrench into the plan. It wasn’t predicted by the Democrats.

I knew the plans. I figured them out. I studied the maps. I paid attention to where the candidates were campaigning in the final days. The Trump people knew the plans too. All Hillary had to do was hold the blue Obama states and steal Colorado and Nevada. Internal polling was showing that some of the blue states might not hold. That’s why Jay Z went on stage with Hillary in Philadelphia and used all of those “N” words and “F” bombs. They had to rally the base.

When plan A didn’t work out and Trump won both North Carolina and Florida, I still wasn’t optimistic that Trump would win. Plan B was supposed to happen now.

Then the Wisconsin votes started coming in. Trump was winning the state. It was a big surprise that no one had predicted. When Trump won Wisconsin, I knew that Hillary couldn’t win. She would have lost at that point by 2 electoral votes, even if she won New Hampshire. I knew Trump had won.

When Hillary also lost the 20 electoral votes in Pennsylvania, there was no need to continue counting or speculating. It was over. Trump was also leading in Michigan, but it didn’t really matter.

The Democrats also lost the House and the Senate. The party is in disarray now. They’re working on a plan C. They want to abandon the Electoral College and have the election decided by the popular vote. They could pad the Southwest and California with illegal immigrant votes and win.

They are the party of the illegal immigrants. They are the party of foreigners, not Americans. They want voters to come here illegally, mostly from Mexico. They stay silent when American jobs move to Mexico. Enough Americans realized this and stopped them from stealing the election. The Democrats didn’t have a foolproof plan. There weren’t enough fools in America.

UPDATE: Youtube removed one of the original videos I posted. Here is another video:

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Reid This

I read the Reid statement on the election of Donald Trump. Senator Harry Reid wrote a scathing diatribe against the President-elect. It was issued as a press release on

He said that “innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with fear – especially African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, LGBT Americans and Asian Americans.  Their fear is entirely rational, because Donald Trump has talked openly about doing terrible things to them.”

That is a totally false statement. I have watched many complete Trump rallies and speeches and I have never heard Mr. Trump “talk openly about doing terrible things” to anybody. Mr. Reid’s statement is outrageous and false.

I doubt that Harry Reid has ever listened to even one complete Trump speech.

I can’t believe a United States Senate majority leader would write anything so false and incendiary. He wrote this while anti-Trump protests were occurring all over the country. His words were not words of calm or reason. He metaphorically handed gasoline to those who are ready to spread unreasonable fires of hate because their candidate lost.

He wrote words that would incite more violence while violence was occurring.

Reid called Trump “a sexual predator who fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate.” Again, this statement is totally false and ridiculous and is simply not true. Millions of Americans disagree with Reid.

Harry Reid needs to apologize to Donald Trump and his supporters. He needs to retract his statement and take it off of his government website.

He had to apologize once before, to President Obama and many prominent African-American leaders.  

In 2008, he called Obama “a light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

In 2010, Reid offered apologies to President Obama and several prominent African-Americans, including House Democrats Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Barbara Lee of California; the Rev. Al Sharpton; CNN political contributor and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile; NAACP chairman Julian Bond; and the head of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Wade Henderson.

He said "I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans for my improper comments.”

He admitted that his racial comments about Obama were “improper”. Will he admit that he made outrageous and untrue statements about Trump? He did more than just make an insensitive racial comment. He slandered the President-elect using vicious irresponsible language that might incite riots and forever change the future of our country.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Has Won

Trump has won! I’m changing the title of my blog from “Trump Will Win” to “Trump Has Won”.

He won the South. He won the North. He won the heart of the country and brought it together. Hillary won the West coast and New York but it wasn’t enough.

The polls were wrong in Michigan. Four out of five November polls had Hillary winning by 4 or 5 points. The polls in Wisconsin were wrong. Four out of four polls had her winning by 6 or 8 points.

Wisconsin was the big surprise. I don’t think anyone expected a Trump victory there. Everyone expected the Philadelphia vote to give Hillary a victory in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t enough and Trump won the state.

Hillary had a very easy path to victory. All she had to do was hold the traditionally democratic blue states in the North and win Virginia and Nevada. She didn’t need North Carolina, Ohio or Florida.

She couldn’t hold all of the blue states. She lost the South and the North. She lost the heart of the country.

I wrote several blog posts explaining why Trump would win. And he did.

I voted in Boardman, Ohio. They have a great system there now. They swipe your driver’s license and give you a paper ballot. It’s the perfect combination of technology and an old fashioned paper ballot that you hold in your hand.

I was a lifelong democrat. This election, I voted straight Republican. I received a list of democrats in the mail and took that list into the voting booth. I voted against every one of them. The down ballot republicans got my vote, riding on Trump's coat tails. I'm sure many other people did the same thing. 

If our elections were decided by the popular vote, Hillary would have won. She won the popular vote because of an enormous win in California. Our system of an electoral college is fair. One state will never decide the election. Every state has its own concerns and own voice.

President Obama has said more than once that Trump is unqualified and unfit to be president. He started saying it in August and said it again right before the election.

Obama strongly supported Hillary and appeared at campaign events with her. He was with her, but the voters weren’t. They disagreed with Obama’s critique of Trump. They disagreed with Hillary’s vision for the country. They didn’t want a third term of Obama.

It would be great if Trump could take over immediately, but we’ll have to wait until January 20, 2017.

America will be great again. It will happen. It will happen soon.

Monday, November 7, 2016

End Game

We’ll soon know if the Clintons get to go back home, back home to the White House.

On election eve, they were in Philadelphia. Chelsea was there. President Obama and his wife were there. Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen provided the entertainment.

Both campaigns had the same end game. They both spent the final days in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

I figured out why. If Hillary wins Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia and North Carolina, she wins. Both campaigns know this. Nothing else will matter. Florida and Ohio won’t matter. None of the other states will matter.

Keep this in mind when you watch the returns. If she loses only North Carolina, she will still win if either Florida goes her way, or Nevada and Colorado.

Trump’s path to victory is a lot harder, but if he wins 3 out of 4 of the previously mentioned four states, he will be well on his way.

It’s interesting that Springsteen is performing at the Hillary event. He once wrote a song about my hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. It’s a former steel town. It’s a blue collar town and a former democratic stronghold.

Trump will win the Youngstown area. There are Trump signs everywhere. Our local radio talk show host said he’s only talked to one person who’s voting for Hillary.

I read about a leaked Bill Clinton speech. The Daily Caller stated: The economic stagnancy of the Obama years is to blame for plummeting life expectancy rates among white, working-class Americans, according to former president Bill Clinton, who privately told Democratic donors that lower-income whites “don’t have anything to look forward to when they get up in the morning.”

I’m a white working-class American. I always wondered why I have nothing to look forward to when I get up in the morning. Now I know. It’s Obama’s fault.

Bill Clinton also recently explained Obamacare. He said: “You’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It’s the craziest thing in the world.”  

Trump wants to end Obamacare. Hillary wants to keep it.

It was just exposed by WikiLeaks that the DNC and CNN were colluding on questions for Trump. The definition of collude is: To act together, often in secret, to achieve an illegal or improper purpose. I noticed how biased NBC’s Lester Holt was when he moderated the first debate. He was clearly on Hillary’s side. I think he was in on the collusion.

The DNC is crooked. The media is crooked. Hillary is crooked. Many people are unaware of this and Hillary is ahead in the polls.

Hillary’s argument for voting for her is that Trump has said some dumb things. Her people went through over five hundred hours of Trump rallies and speeches and came up with 30 seconds of dumb things that Trump said. That’s Hillary’s argument. How can you vote for Trump?

The things Hillary said are much more serious. She wants open borders. That’s a dangerous policy. We already have drugs pouring over our porous southern border. Trump wants a wall to keep the drugs out. Hillary doesn’t.

Hillary has said that no one can be deported unless they have committed a violent crime. That means that anyone who overstays their visa can stay. Anyone who sneaks across the border can stay. Without any rules or regulations governing immigration, the country could quickly fill up with more people than it can support.

Hillary wants a huge increase in the number of Syrian refugees entering our country. They come from a part of the world where Islamic extremism is rampant. Some of the refugees may be sympathetic to radical Islam. They will be mixed into our communities. Their children will attend schools with our children. I think people need to study radical Islam before they support Hillary’s policy. ISIS has said they will infiltrate the refugees. We can give the refugees all the help and support they need, without bringing them into the United States.

The Clintons have made a lot of money. They aren’t selling anything tangible. It’s been suspected that they are selling political favors for cash. Some say they will metaphorically put the White House up for sale. It might be their ultimate end game.

One of Bon Jovi’s new songs is called “This House is Not for Sale”. It could be one of Trump’s theme songs. He wants to end the corruption. He wants to clean house, not put it up for sale.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Spirit Cooking

Hillary talks to the dead, and her campaign manager might be attending “spirit cooking” dinners.

She’s been saying that Trump is unfit to be president. She hasn’t said whether all of the deceased first ladies agree.

She spoke with former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who died in 1962. She received advice from the deceased first lady, a fellow democrat.

I always try to cross reference everything. Bill Clinton confirmed that Hillary talked to the dead. He said she communed with Eleanor Roosevelt. The definition of “commune” is to converse or talk together, usually with profound intensity or intimacy.

While Hillary was communing with spirits, her campaign manager was being invited to a “spirit cooking” dinner. The Wikileaks email is titled “Dinner” and reads as follows:

"I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?
All my love, Marina"

Marina Abramovic was writing to Tony, the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta. It isn’t known if John Podesta attended the “dinner”.

In 2009, six years before the email, Abramovic made a video titled “Spirit Cooking”. The ingredients included breast milk and sperm milk and fresh morning urine. The ingredients were written on walls using pig’s blood for paint. She also wrote in blood that people should cut their finger with a sharp knife and “eat the pain”. Don’t watch the video if such things make you nauseated.

Abramovic has denied that she is involved in satanic rituals. She claims her Podesta “dinner” was a normal dinner. But she specified “Spirit Cooking” in her email. No one would consider that “normal”.

I found an informative article about Abramovic. She had three abortions and apparently was using abortion as a form of birth control. She called herself an artist and said that having a child would just get in the way.

Abramovic worked with musical performer Jay Z. It’s interesting how everything is connected. Jay Z performed at a campaign concert for Hillary on November 4, 2016.

Hillary is very concerned about what children hear and see. She uses children in her commercials. I certainly wouldn’t approve of children listening to Jay Z’s music. Here is a sample of Jay Z’s musical style:

Jay Z has been accused of being a Satanist. I don’t know if he is or not. He did repeatedly use the “N” word and the “F” bomb at the Hillary concert. This language is apparently acceptable at a Hillary concert.

Hillary is telling us that Trump is unqualified and that she is the only one who is qualified.

I disagree. I would like to ask Eleanor Roosevelt what she thinks, but she doesn’t commune with me.

If Hillary wins, she’ll have a spirit advisor in the Oval Office. Maybe she’ll be advised to delete any spirit cooking emails, satanic or not.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Hillary said she’s ready to be president. At an event on November 3, she said she’s ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work.

If she wins, she’ll be going to work alright, but she won’t be working for the American people. The first thing she will do in the morning is check the news. Is there anything new in the email investigation? Is there anything new in the Clinton Foundation investigation?

Has there been an indictment? If the answer is no, she’ll move on to family news. Has Bill met any interns? Where was he last night?

I’m not writing humor here. This is how it will be. She won’t have time for the problems ordinary Americans are facing. She won’t have time to help people who are facing huge Obamacare premiums. She won’t have time to read the news about another plant moving to Mexico or China. She’ll be consulting with lawyers about how to deal with the ongoing investigations.

We can only hope that another Bill Clinton sex scandal like Paula Jones or Monica Lewinsky doesn’t come out. Hillary would be both furious AND busy. Remember, Bill Clinton was having sex with Monica IN the White House while he was president. He would only be the President’s (cheating) husband this time, and not have any presidential duties or distractions.

The Vice President would be busy too. His only daily job is to check on the health of the President. That should keep him busy, given Hillary’s recent health problems, but he will also have a new daily job. He will have to check on the latest impeachment news.

As you know, Bill was impeached for lying about having sex with Monica. Hillary might be impeached for lying about other things, like pay for play politics or destroying government emails with Bleach Bit.

Hillary would be the first wife of a president to be president. The saying is “like father, like son”. This would be a situation of “like husband, like wife”.

Some people think both Clintons are corrupt. Not enough people think that though, especially in states like New York, Massachusetts and California.

Hillary has a good chance of winning the presidency. She has a good chance of being the first woman president to be impeached.

I took a quick glance at the headlines. Look at what I found:

No honeymoon for Hillary: Congressional Republicans openly discussing 'impeachment'
Washington Post 

If Clinton Wins, Get Ready for Another Impeachment
New York Magazine 

Donald Trump Raises Specter of Hillary Clinton Impeachment

McCaul: If elected, Hillary Clinton could be impeached

Impeachment Already on The Table If Hillary is Elected

GOP congressmen, asked about impeachment, warn of 'constitutional crisis' if Clinton wins

Rep. Michael McCaul suggests Congress could impeach Hillary Clinton
Texas Tribune  

Could Hillary Clinton Get Elected, Then Impeached?
News Talk Florida‎

How the GOP is already working on how to impeach Hillary Clinton if she wins
Business Insider UK  

GOP senator suggests he's already prepared to impeach Clinton

NY Magazine: Start Prepping For Another Clinton Impeachment

Will Hillary Clinton be impeached over emails if she becomes president?
Telegraph UK  

Those are the headlines, and she didn’t even win yet. And, the mainstream press is writing about impeachment possibilities, not just right wing websites.

Hillary, roll up your sleeves. If you win, you’re going to be very busy.